Thursday, June 2, 2011

David Ricardo - Protectionism is Flaw of Liberal Market

David Ricardo (19 April 1772 - 11 September 1823), an English Political economist, often credit with systematizing the subject of economic, and was one of the most influential of classical economists. He was a member of Parliament, Businessman, Capitalist who critic how the landlord rip off the profit from the growth of economy without actually contributing to the growth. It has been a very controvesy and ironic that the subject debate about the right of landlord, protectionism in leberal market which claimed to be flaws of the free market system since then with his friend (rival) during his time - Parson Malthus who in fact from the middle class, supporting the facts that righteous of landlord to enjoy the big chuck of profit from the rent.

David Ricardo - "The protectionism policy which hinder the potential growth of the macro level of economy beneciary only the landowner, but jeapordize the capitalist."


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