Thursday, June 2, 2011

Henry George - Economy is Common Sense

Henry George (1839-1897), an American writer, underworld political economist with his famous quote of " for studying economy, you need no special skill, knowledge, no extensive library, no costly laboratory, you don't even need a text books nor teacher, if you will but think of yourself."

He advocate that the name of political economy has been constantly invoked against every effort of the working class to increase their wages. It is the extortion of landlord system is the cancer of the economy system. His ultimate vision - the ultimate panacea to cure the current unbalance economy system with heavy taxes levy on those landlords.

But the question is what will happen to the economy health, if there will be no meaning for capitalist to invest in the real estate? And who then possess the land, the building, the factory? The government? The King? That will be socialism or imperialism. Obviously, the idea for Henry George himself is very ironic, to whom he dedicate himself to create a better economy system.

Henry George.jpg

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